»CL6:------------------------------------------------------------------------------- »CL0: Print Your Letters On Paper »CL6:------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by »CL5:Adonis »CL5of »CL5:IRIS »CL1:Last week, I received a letter from a friend and I must say that I was very pleased to read his words (as always). However, it was far more enjoyable this time, because »CL8:he told me that he had printed out the letter from me, since he wanted to take the time for it and he started to read»CL1:. No computer, no Amiga, just him, the letter, a coke, and his coach. This is one of the things which motivates me to continue swapping and write those letters. I guess that I should get a printer again and start to do the same thing, because it is a new way to read the letters from your contacts. »CL6:Way back, when I started to swap, it was common to receive paper letters»CL1:, and there was nothing special in that. I wrote most of my letters when I was in school. It was time consuming, so why not do it when you were probably going to sleep anyway? The fact is that listening to the radio and reading is a very different from to watching movies. You have your own pictures in your head and you have to use your imagination if you want to see things in front of you. »CL6:The reason why I think that it is a good idea to print your letters is that IRC will not distract you or some e-mail you need to answer»CL1:. It is just you and your letter. »PIC:4.iff» »PIC:4.iff» »PIC:4.iff» Try to imagine what I thought when I read the words from this contact! He had done something special with my letter, so that he could enjoy it even more. Those things can soften an old swappers heart! At least my heart. :) A question. How many of you sometimes look at old letters you have stored on your hard drive or how many of you sometimes load Yam to check some of the older e-mails from your friends, just to see what they have been writing to you in the past? I guess that not many of you can answer this question with "I do". »CL7:I have collected all the handwritten letters I received in the past. Occasionally, I find them and browse through them to remember old friends»CL1:, since most of them are no longer active. Thank God, fresh blood has been added now and then, so I still have the opportunity to send such letters these days. »CL8:I can only say that it is sad that people, myself included, have become too lazy to take the time to write the letters by hand or at least print them out on paper»CL1:. The special contact we are talking about here is Gone. I guess everybody know this guy. He is definitely a person you should contact if you want to have a reliable person around. That was the closing words for this article. So, go print your next letter and see if I am not right. »PIC:4.iff»